Mechanised Tunnel Surveying Solutions

Mechanised Tunnel Surveying Solutions

Our Tunnel Survey Team is Equipped with the highly sophisticated surveying equipment and Softwares to do the Mechanised Tunnel Survey such as Machine Measurements, Mould measurements, Setting out of Cradles, Setting out of Reaction frames, Wriggles Surveys, alignment calculations, Tunnel Centreline calculations, Track Centreline calculations, Walkway Setting outs, Spring line marking, Re-alignment of Tunnels, Zig-Zag Traverse, Network, Double Zig-Zag Networks and Breakthrough Protocols.

Conventional Tunnel Surveying Solutions

Swanish Construction and consultancy provides all the required recording and setting out work for conventional tunnelling. In this context we mark and specify individual points and axis required for construction of planned underground structure such as, Setting out of Temporary Support System, inner lining, Convergence measurements carriageway, track, drains, Alignment calculations, Traverse Network and Drilling Pattern marking for blasting. We also provide fixed laser guidance system for precision excavation control.

Mb L5/4, First Floor, Manorathpuri Colony Karmanveer Susuwahi Varanasi 221011
+91 7470204040
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